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Services for Members

Group Annuity Policy Members

Nothing is more important to us than keeping the pension promise. When your pension plan entered into a group annuity buy-out agreement with Blumont Annuity Company, it was the beginning of our lifelong relationship with you.

We are responsible for making your monthly annuity payment and for providing you with seamless, dependable service. That’s why we’ve partnered with Gallagher, formerly known as Buck, the top external provider of administration services to group annuity policies in Canada. As a Blumont Annuity policy member, you can expect to receive your monthly payments on time and with no hassles.

You also have the option to collect information and manage many aspects of your annuity benefit online. If you have registered for the Group Annuity Member Services Portal, securely log in to view information and update your individual profile. If you have not yet registered for the Portal but would like to do so, contact a Member Services Representative by telephone or email.

Occasionally, you may need to let us know about things like a new address or some other change in your personal situation. You can do that by contacting the Member Services Centre in any of the following ways:

Mailing Address
Blumont Annuity Company
201 City Centre Drive
Suite 1000
Mississauga, ON  L5B 4E4
Attention: Member Services Centre

Tel: 1.877.392.2423 (Toll free in North America)
Tel: 1.289.374.3077 (international)
Fax: 905.272.6300